Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Being unemployed has given me more stress and more joy than any job I have ever worked. This experience has made me realize and appreciate time. Time cannot be reversed, stopped or hindered. Time waits for no one. We spend so much time in our daily routine, that we often don't take the time out to dare to dream or even realize dreams of time passed. I sometimes get so caught up in the things that I need to be doing, that the things that I want to do get set aside. I worry about finding a job, money in my bank account, publishing my book, my health and more. Sometimes mistakes of time past haunts my heart and sometimes the things that I've never done burden my soul. But when I decided to change my mind set my situation also changed. I decided to not stress about what I endured because of decisions in the past. I'm still living, still exploring and still learning. I still have a chance to live and begin again, as long as I have the breath of life in my body. I learned to appreciate time and go with it and not stop it. I realized that since I'm unemployed many of the things I've never done, I now have time to do. 

I NEVER.....
  1. Been out the country
  2. Owned a passport
  3. Owned a pair of Jordons 
  4. Bought a rap cd
  5. Bought an adult toy 
  6. Kissed in the rain
  7. Swam in the ocean
  8. Seen the ocean
  9. Been to Niagra Falls
  10. Traveled by train
  11. Been to a concert at the FOX
  12. Been on a motorcycle
  13. Been skiing 
  14. Been on a cruise
  15. Hitched hiked
  16. Back packed in a foreign city


Unknown said...

We are all faced with different obstacles throughout life. The true measure of ones self is how you overcome each obstacle. Being without a job can be challenging but as you stated it also opens the door to pursue other goals that you wouldn't have the time or energy to complete when working 40 plus hours a week. Publish your book, and write your play because when you do it will create new doors for you to open. Doors that lead to financial independence, doors that lead to creating jobs for others that are in your same position. Because when your book becomes a bestseller and your play headlines on broadway you will have more time visit another country or see and swim in the ocean and best of all you will be able to bless friends and family who would like to experience the same. So utilize your time away from the office to put in motion the creation of your own office.

xoxo Annie said...

Thank you! Your comment is so very true and well said! I'm going to;...utilize my time away from the office to put in motion the creation of my own office!